İnternet sitemizde çerez kullanılmaktadır. Çerezler hakkında detaylı bilgi için KVKK inceleyiniz. Devam etmeniz halinde çerez kullanımına izin verdiğinizi kabul edeceğiz.

Where is Your Pain?


Pain in the lower back, stiffness, difficulty moving, inability to stand upright, pain radiating from the lower back to the leg, numbness in the leg.


Pain in the knee, swelling, stiffness, locking of the knee, restriction of movement, difficulty walking or going up and down stairs.


Pain in the shoulder, difficulty in movement, inability to lie down at night, difficulty in overhead movements and placing the hand on the lower back.


Pain in the neck, stiffness, limitation in movements, pain radiating to the shoulder blade or arm, numbness in the arm, weakness.


Pain in the buttocks and groin, stiffness, sticking sensation, restricted movement, difficulty walking and squatting, limping.


Pain in the elbow, swelling, stiffness, limitation in movements. Difficulty opening doors, making brooms, holding a hammer.


Pain in the back, stiffness, difficulty moving, inability to stand upright, pain radiating from the back to the ribs.

Foot & Ankle

Pain, swelling, stiffness, restriction of movement, difficulty walking in the foot, heel, toes or ankle.

Hand & Wrist

Pain in the wrist and fingers, swelling, sticking of the finger, numbness in the hand, weakness in hand grip.